Rabbit Days & Dumplings

For Unhurried Journey
Thanks to the NYTimes for spreading the word!
The works of these two women meshes and creates a total immersion of cultures for children and their families - Geek Dad
An interview with Morgan Taylor for his show Radio Cake on Radio Kingston
An article from The Kid Should See This about the Flower Dance song & video
A video premiere in NY State Music for the Unhurried Journey video
Another video premiere by The All Scene Eye for Brilliant New Idea
A sweet article in my hometown paper The Oak Ridger
A recommendation from The Midwest Book Review
A lovely mention from The Toy Insider
Some kind words in an early review from Red Tricycle

For Rabbit Days and Dumplings
An interview on NPR's All Things Considered
A Parent's Choice Award acknowledgment
Hands down, it is the best all-ages album I've ever come across. - New York Family Magazine
Rabbit Days and Dumplings is a timeless classic and one that fully supports Park's strong belief that music has the ability to transcend borders, ages, languages, and backgrounds. – Kids Can Groove
Elena Moon Park has found a way to incorporate Asian elements with American elements in a grandly metaphoric sort of way that says something powerful and positive about the potential of cross-cultural exchange, and on that note, about the immigrant experience. But also? It's just fun to listen to, and that's enough in and of itself. – About.com
Rabbit Days and Dumplings is not only a great introduction to the music of East Asia, it is great music, period. Interesting instrumentation, unusual but compelling rhythms and playful lyrics make this album shine, from start to finish. – Apartment Therapy
Elena Moon Park has put together a joyful and eclectic collection of traditional folk and children's songs, reinterpreted and reinvented in a way that preserves their beauty, but also makes them incredibly appealing to a wide family audience… this CD proves that great music touches us all, no matter what our background or mother tongue. – Cool Mom Picks
Wow! Elena Moon Park embraces both her family tree and musical roots in her latest CD 'Rabbit Days And Dumplings'. Well done! - Robert Drake, Producer Kids Corner, WXPN-FM, Philadelphia
Rob Friedman
Philippa Thompson